Thursday, July 26, 2007

Every Barn Needs Kittens!

No matter how clean you keep your barn, how often you sweep, it always seems sooner or later you will see the tell tale signs of....MICE! Some are very bold, running from stall to stall in search of spilled grain. Others do not show themselves but the signs are there....chew marks in saddles or saddle covers/bags, droppings on counter tops. You see less signs during the late spring and summer as they are happy and fat in the fields. Once fall and winter arrives, well they come back in for a warm nights rest. Well what is the best way to handle them? Barn cats, that's how. Happy, well fed barn cats. when I first started looking around for kittens, I could find none. And when I found some and said I was looking for barn cats, I got a look like I was a vile person who was going to condemn this innocent kitten to death! People have the wrong idea about the life of a barn cat. These cats are not left to fend for them self. If they had to hunt for their food they would not stay in the barn! Why spend hours stalking the mouse who is hiding when a few minutes in the field will yield them a big, fat dinner! The best barn cats are cared for, well fed, and want to stay in the barn for a reason, to "play catch a mouse". I certainly plan to have these kittens receive their inoculations, be spayed/neutered, and provide them with feed and water, and love all in my barn! I want them to stay there; their mere presence will keep the mice away! As we all know animals like company so in fairness to the cats, well......I had to get two kittens, not just one! So I finally did find someone who was happy to let me have a couple of kittens to become my barn cats. Guess what..their cats live in their barn, so naturally they knew exactly what I was looking for, good mousers. This Saturday I go to pick up my new kittens to join the members of "The Feather Horse Farm" and they will take their place among the ranks of the latest members to our animal brood. After I have spent a few days getting to know them, well then they will need names. I surely will not call them "Barn Cat Number 1 or 2!

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